Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Spanish Infinitives and How Theyre Used

Spanish Infinitives and How Theyre Used Definition of 'Infinitive' The infinitive is the most basic form of a verb. In Spanish, infinitives always end in -ar, -er or -ir, with -ar being the most common. In English, infinitive is usually used to refer to the to verb form of the verb such as to run or to eat, although according to some authorities the infinitives are run and eat. An infinitive by itself does not indicate tense nor who or what is performing the action of the verb. In both English and Spanish, the infinitive can often function as a noun. In Spanish, such a noun is always masculine and is usually used in the singular form. The Spanish word for infinitive is infinitivo. Other examples of infinitives in Spanish are hablar, viajar, comprender, and resistir. The corresponding English infinitives are to speak, to travel, to understand, and to resist. Using Infinitives as the Subject of a Sentence It is very common in Spanish for an infinitive to be the subject of a sentence or clause. In translation to English, either the infinitive or the gerund can be used, although Spanish gerunds cant function as nouns. For example, the sentence Salir es difà ­cil could be translated as either To leave is difficult or Leaving is difficult. Often when an infinitive is the subject, it can follow the verb. Thus it would be possible to render the Spanish sentence as Es difà ­cil salir. Amar is mejor que ser amado. (To love is better than being loved.)No es posible comer todo el dà ­a de manera saludable. (Eating all day is not possible in a healthy way. Alternative translation: It is not possible to eat all day in a healthy way.)El ser humano comparte muchas caracterà ­sticas con los primates. (The human being shares many characteristics with the primates.) Using Infinitives as Prepositional Objects In Spanish but not usually in English, infinitives are often the objects of prepositions. The gerund is typically used in translation to English. Tu hija no tiene ya la capacidad para entender tus reglas. (Your daughter doesnt yet have the capacity for understanding your rules. Para is the preposition here.)El tenista confirmà ³ que le ofrecieron dinero por perder un partido. (The tennis player confirmed that they offered him money for losing a match. The preposition here is por.) Using Infinitives as a Verbal Object In a sentence such as Espero comprar una casa (I hope to buy a house), the infinitive in both language retains qualities of both noun and verb - noun because its an object and a verb because it has  an object of its own (una casa or a house). Ayer te vi salir de tu oficina. (Yesterday I saw you leaving your office.)Necesito cambiar el nombre de usuario. (I need to change my user name.)Quiero comer  pronto. (I want to eat soon.) Using Infinitives as a Verbal Complement Infinitives are often used as the complement of a copulative or linking verb: This is especially common with forms of ser, meaning to be. Lo ms importante es saber que usted no ests sola. (The most important thing is to know you are not alone.)Todo lo que yo querà ­a era hablar contigo. (All that I wanted was to talk with you.)Katarina me parece ser una buen artista. (Katarina seems to me to be a good artist.) Infinitives as Commands In Spanish, it is common in recipes and on signs, less so in speech, to use an infinitive as a type of command. Such a construction is rare in English with the exception of this negative command: Not to worry. Mezclar los ingredientes en el siguiente orden. (Mix the ingredients in the following order.)No fumar. (No smoking.) Forming a Future Tense Using Infinitives The periphrastic future tense is common in both Spanish and English. It is formed by using a present tense of ir a or to go followed by an infinitive. In some Spanish-speaking areas, the periphrastic future has mostly replaced the conjugated future tense. In both languages, it is considered less formal than the standard future tense. Van a estudiar las principales teorà ­as. (They are going to study the principal theories.)Voy a probarlo una vez. (Im going to try it once.)

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ask An Agent What Makes A Self-Published Author Stand Out

Ask An Agent What Makes A Self-Published Author Stand Out Ask an Agent: Paul Lucas on What Makes a Self-Published Author Stand Out Paul Lucas is a literary agent at Janklow Nesbit where he has been representing authors since 2011. His clients come from across the spectrum of fiction (thrillers, science fiction, fantasy, historical and literary) and non-fiction (history, narrative, travel, science and humor). His clients include New York Times best-selling author R.A. Salvatore, Anthony Ryan, Alan Flusser, and Katherine Arden.Reedsy: How have you seen attitudes toward self-publishing change since you started out in publishing?Paul Lucas: Attitudes have changed tremendously, particularly since several self-published authors have now become monumental success stories. It is in part  because so many readers came to, and enjoyed, books by self-published authors. Since distributing e-books is so much cheaper and simpler than distributing physical books to bookstores, there are fewer barriers to entry and much easier discovery. As products, the e-books are indistinguishable from other offerings. So if the book is go od, it will receive attention.Which of your clients are self-published? Do you know of big authors that people might not know got their start as self-published authors?My clients that started in self-publishing include Anthony Ryan (NYT bestselling author), Matthew Mather (translated into 15 territories), James Islington, Steve McHugh, Jodi McIsaac and Richard Phillips. Andy Weir, Hugh Howey, AG Riddle, and Blake Crouch are major authors who stand out from the self-publishing world.Sorry there’s a male bias to these writers! Women have been tremendously successful with self-published science fiction and thrillers; I just haven’t signed any other than Jodi. Women absolutely dominate the romance space.In working with self-published authors who transition to traditional publishing, what stands out about them? What are their greatest assets, both personally and professionally?The key to self-publishing is that the writer becomes her own publisher. That means hiring editors , illustrators, and designers and paying for marketing and promotion. The best of them are very professional, and many publish several books a year. It’s easier for them to do so since there is a much longer lead time in traditional publishing.Since many self-published authors enjoy closer access to their fans, it makes it self-sustaining success more achievable. If she feels confident that 20,000-30,000 readers will come to each of her new books, twice a year, a writer can comfortably rise to a six-figure income. Traditional publishers would find it challenging to reach 20,000 readers and might give up on that author if they did not see sales rising. Relishing the challenges of editorial control and developing strong positioning for your book are two critical characteristics for success in self-publishing. "Many self-published authors enjoy closer access to their fans"@canonizer With all of the reading that agents need to do to stay on top of the industry as a whole, how do you prioritize reading self-published work? Do you actively seek it out or hear about it through word-of-mouth or recommendations? In short, how does a self-published book find its way onto the radar of an agent?I typically find self-published books that are rising quickly in e-book sales rankings. It is less word-of-mouth than trawling through the winners on retailers’ sites. Sometimes self-published authors seek out agents but it’s fairly rare for very successful ones to do so these days since agents typically come knocking after they get enough attention.Where do you see self-publishing fitting into the larger publishing industry in the coming years? What is exciting about it? What will traditional publishers have to adapt to? Self-publishing will continue to grow for as long as it remains difficult for new authors to break into traditional publishing. That means it is mo re important than ever to treat a self-published book with the same consideration (or as close as you can get) that a traditionally published book would receive. The more believable the characters, plot, and writing, the easier it will be for readers to engage with it. Similarly, everyone judges books by their covers so it’s worth spending $500-1000 to have one created professionally rather than attempting one’s first MS Paint masterpiece.Publishers have attempted to launch their own digital imprints, which seem to cater to readers of self-published books. I’d recommend that any self-published author contemplating moving to a traditional publisher’s digital imprint do so with caution. Losing control over marketing the book can be jarring for people who have found success marketing their books on their own terms.Frankly, traditional publishing has become mediocre at launching new brand-name authors, especially with ongoing series. There haven’t been many new Anne Rices, James Pattersons, Stuart Woods in the last 5-10 years. Some of the ones now traditionally published earned their names in the self-published ranks. Publishers will need to learn how to develop talent if they want to keep people from wanting to self-publish, rather than publish traditionally.What are the potential obstacles facing self-publishing as it grows?Well, the elephant in the room is whether Amazon will continue to pay such substantial royalties and subsidize  self-published authors through Kindle Unlimited and their other deals. Authors might see a decline in their earnings if those were to disappear but it is unlikely to change how self-published books succeed in the near term since most self-published authors rely on the platform.What would you tell emerging authors who are on the fence about self-publishing?There used to be a stigma to self-publishing; it was synonymous with vanity publishing, which meant that authors would spend several thousand d ollars in exchange for inventory and the possibility of physical distribution. This stigma has all but vanished, particularly in commercial fiction where self-published authors are really thriving. Literary fiction and non-fiction all continue to work better traditionally. Readers seem to have short attention spans these days so discovery for more academically minded projects (or â€Å"serious† or â€Å"literary† or however we are describing high-brow books on a given day) have a big headwind. "This stigma has all but vanished, particularly in commercial fiction"@canonizer Lastly, new authors should keep in mind that it’s very hard for an agent to do anything with a newly self-published book. If it only has hundreds or several thousand sales, they will be unlikely to move it to the traditional space right away. This should not be discouraging – it might lead to far greater rewards.Are you hesitant to self-publish? What is your top reason for wanting to work with a traditional publisher on your first book? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Affirmative Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Affirmative Action - Essay Example an publicity, the government has ensured that racial discrimination against African-Americans and people of color are eliminated in employment industry. In the employment norm, the government has laid down strategies that ensure no barrier is created so that any qualified person is employed. Affirmative action in the U.S is fighting to ensure that there is no discrimination based on either gender or race. The affirmative action calls for equality in that every person should be given equal opportunity based on his or her qualification. In the U.S, an aspect of public policy has triggered employment industries to look in depth on the facet of discrimination, which has led to abuse of civil liberties of Americans. Various laws and policies have been laid down to ensure that there is equal employment opportunity and affirmative actions are dealt with. Public policies with inherent contradictions can be seen as a negative impact towards employment facet leading to disparate impact, color-blind and narrowly tailored actions (McCrudden 45-53). Approaches to affirmative action in terms of Catholic and Protestant applicants for the police service of Northern Ireland, the legal ability has laid down strategies that could see the government of European Union engage in positive action towards the issue of employment. Racial discrimination in regards to employment has been evident European countries for a long time. This has forced the members of the entire States to introduce effective measures that overlooked races context, disability and religion as far as the issue of employment is

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

CAPM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

CAPM - Assignment Example Based on the rationale obtained in relation to these mentioned fields, the paper aims at concluding with regard to the relevance of CAPM for corporate managers (Fama & French, 2003). CAPM is valued high owing to its ability to guide investment projects through accurate calculation about the relationship between the risk and return. This relationship provides two major functions. First, it serves as a standard regarding the rate of return for assessing the potential investments and second, it helps generating a cultured guess, rather than a biased one, with regard to return on assets, which have not been traded in the market place. The common concept behind CAPM is that investors must be remunerated in two ways, i.e. time assessment of money as well as risk (Leonard, Loli, Kralj & Vlachos, 2012). The relationship of risk and return can be described with regard to the fact that low level of risk is connected with low potential returns and high risks are connected with high potential returns. In general terms, ‘risk’ is considered as negative concerning the fact that risks imply investments and their returns as conditional, wherein investors may or may not be able to generate their desired level of profit. It is thus that CAPM suggests, considering high risk of return, investors must be conscious about their possible risk tolerance at the time of selecting investment projects for their portfolio. Notably, according to the model, there are two types of risks those can be possible when selecting investment, such as systematic risks and unsystematic risks (Leonard, Loli, Kralj & Vlachos, 2012). CAPM helps to calculate the cost of equity of a private company by assessing the betas and thereafter, calculate the cost of debt by estimating risk of default as well as cost of debt after tax. In a private company, the originations of risks and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Complan Foods Essay Example for Free

Complan Foods Essay Complan Foods is a British company that makes powdered milk energy drinks. It was acquired by Danone in 2011. In India the Complan brand is owned by the H. J. Heinz Company. Complan was launched by Glaxo in 1954. As part of Glaxos Farley Health Products subsidiary, the Complan UK brand was sold to Boots in 1988. In India, Complan remained with Glaxo until 1994, when it was acquired by Heinz, who also acquired the UK brand in the same year.[2][3] In 2002 a majority stake in the UK business (Complan Foods) was sold to the Saatchi brothers Saatchinvest BRIEF HISTORY The H.J. Heinz Company, headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is the most global of all U.S.-based food companies. Famous for their iconic brands on five continents, Heinz provides delicious, nutritious and convenient foods for families in 200 countries around the world. In more than 50 of those countries, we enjoy the number-one or number-two market position. To learn more visit Heinz came to India in 1994 by taking over the Family Products Division of Glaxo. GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK) is a British multinational pharmaceutical, biologics, vaccines and consumer healthcare company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the worlds fourth-largest pharmaceutical company measured by 2009 prescription drug sales .It was established in 2000 by the merger of Glaxo Wellcome plc and SmithKline Beecham plc. with powerful brands such as Complan, Glucon-D, Nycil and Sampriti. Heinz India is fully integrated into the global Heinz operations employing high standards in quality at manufacturing facility at Aligarh in the State of Uttar Pradesh. This manufacturing facility is HACCP certified and follows GFMP (Good Food Manufacturing Practices) to deliver safe food products Heinz in India provides taste and nutrition through globally trusted products like Heinz Tomato Ketchup and strong local products like Complan energy drink, Nycil the most effective prickly heat powder and Sampriti Ghee. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES:

Friday, November 15, 2019

Comparing Glycemic Responses to Low-Carbohydrate and High-Carbohydrate

Comparing Glycemic Responses to Low-Carbohydrate and High-Carbohydrate Energy Bars The Atkins Advantage Bar and the Power Bar are two energy bars containing differing amounts of carbohydrate. Both bars were studied in order to compare their effects on glycemia in the body. Steven R. Hertzler and Yeonsoo Kim investigated these bars in comparison with two controls, chicken breast and white bread, because these two foods also have divergent carbohydrate contents. To perform their study, the researchers recorded plasma glucose responses to 60-gram portions of all of these test foods. This study demonstrates the correlation between the carbohydrate composition of the Atkins Advantage Bar and the Power Bar, and the effects that this has on glycemia. The Atkins Advantage Bar is a low-carbohydrate energy bar that is part of the Atkins Diet plan. This snack food fits into the low-carbohydrate, high-protein weight loss program. Its purpose is to replenish the energy lost when one removes carbohydrates from his/ her diet in attempts to lose weight. In this particular study, the Atkins Advantage Bar served as the low-carbohydrate bar, which had the closest macronutrient composition to the chicken breast control (zero carbohydrates). One serving of this energy bar contains 2.6 grams or less of carbohydrates. Participants of this study who were fed the 60-gram portions of the Atkins Advantage energy bar experienced predictable glycemic responses, as a result of the low amount of carbohydrate that this bar contains. These participants produced the lowest glycemic responses in the study. Consumption of his energy bar reduced glycemia by 71%, as compared with the white bread control. The results of this study did not surprise Hertzler an. .. ...trated that energy bars that contain divergent amounts of carbohydrate produce different results. The low-carbohydrate energy bar, the Atkins Advantage Bar, produced the lowest glycemic responses, thus reducing glycemia. On the end of the spectrum, the high-carbohydrate Power Bar produced the highest glycemic responses, which increased glycemia. The differing glycemic responses of these two energy bars make sense because each bar has been developed to fulfill a different purpose. The Atkins Advantage Bar is a snack food that fits into a low-carbohydrate diet; therefore, its goal is to promote weight loss. On the other hand, the Power Bar is an energy bar that mainly fits into an exercise plan; and its goal is to replenish glycogen in the muscles. These two energy bars affect the body’s glycemic levels differently because they were formulated for different purposes.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Most important aspect of education Essay

Education is one of the important aspects of one’s life. †learning creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking giving knowledge, knowledge to make you great† (Abdul Kalam, 2015). This clearly shows that education creates creative and inventive person because if one thinks then a new idea is born, †Education is not a factual learning, but a thought-thinking education† (Albert Einstein, 2015) .so everybody needs to support and encourage the younger generation to pursue their studies to university level. Furthermore, in a free market, higher education would become the preserve of wealthy families who can afford to send their children to university. Therefore there is a strong case for the government providing higher education free at the point of use. In my opinion, the government has to give free education to attract students to further their studies. Education has positive benefits for the rest of society. There also have some country provides fre e university education for the student for example, in, Nordic nations Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden all offer opportunities to study free or at low-cost: In Norway, university study is available free of charge to all students, regardless of study level or nationality. My first point is equality. There is also a strong argument that university education should be free to ensure equal opportunities. If a student has to pay university education, this can prevent them. Theoretically, students can borrow or work part-time, but this may be enough to prevent students from learning and otherwise can enter the early job market. (Pettinger, 2017) Equality plays an important role in university-level education. †Education is the strongest weapon you can use to transform the world† (Mandela, 2017). University education is very important for an individual to improve his / her standard of living and to advance the nation. If everyone gets a full university education then negligence can be avoided and they know what needs to be done for their bright future. For example, if medical education is given free then many doctors in the country are born and can help the community by providing free medical services with this reduced rate of death and illness. Governments have to stress more profoundly to give birth to many graduates. Besides, the enhancement of the specialization of work. There are many specializations of which are specialization by professional, specialization by a process, specialization by region and international specialization. The global economy has forced countries, such as the UK to specialize in higher value-added products and higher-end products and services. The largest export industries in the UK include pharmaceuticals, organic chemicals, optical and surgical instruments, and nuclear technology (Pettinger, 2017). Therefore, there is a greater opportunity for skilled graduates who can contribute to this high-tech industry. The world is now pointing towards technology, so all countries should produce IT graduates in large quantities. IT plays a big role in this capital world as an example human beings can stay on planet Mars, there is water on the planet Pluto, and so can be detected through NASA technology. Furthermore, Education is a virtue. One of the virtues is that people can underestimate the benefits of learning and undervalue of higher education. †Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts †(Churchill, 2017). This clearly shows that education is not merely a thought but a birth to a human being Experienced in education. Education creates good and high potential for self-development, society, and nation. If one is fully educated in the university then one has a lot of job opportunities in the state as well as international level. University education is not just for work but it can be used in everyday life. For example, a retail store trader has experience on product brands, prices, shortages and advantages of a product that can promote to the community can help improve the level of communication. In addition, Producing a Great Leader. Education to the people allows the nation to have a better and brighter leader. Indeed, our country desperately needs leaders who are knowledgeable and visionary in advancing the country. This is because,/ multiracial Malaysians need a wise and acceptable leader of all races. This knowledge-led leader will make a more rational consideration in implementing a program designed. In addition, knowledgeable people can also give ideas to national leaders in developing and developing countries. If the government provides free university education, young generation students will be attracted and focused on learning and able to produce authoritative leaders.†Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It’s about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life†(Devi,2017).Higher education is very important for coming young generation to lead a country. on the other hand, the Opportunity Costs are worrying many people to give university education free of charge. If the authorities spend billions for free university education, there is an opportunity to raise taxes or reduce spending elsewhere. It can be said, there are greater social benefits than providing vocational training so people can be plumbers, electricians and so on. Often the actual lack of this skill in the economy. If governments spend a lot on university education, activities such as imports, exports and entrepreneurs will be disturbed and cause national development. Governments must divide spending properly to avoid bankruptcy. This is because higher education takes a high cost. On another hand, education makes people more appreciative of education. If people are forced to pay for a university, you can argue that they will appreciate more lessons. If higher education is free, Students will take it easy with the help provided. High education is free to give positive and negative impact. If given free, the student will set up and play to avoid the authorities should provide relevant terms and conditions to avoid such things this applies. In conclusion, I emphasize on my level that university education should be independent even if it has a negative impact. If we do not have public education, we will be underestimated and marginalized. †(Kalam, 2017), so in my opinion, the authorities need to provide higher education independently to the nation’s progress, the government should play a major role in such matters, must find the most effective and productive solution. the parties should look at the advantages and disadvantages of higher education independently to produce mature minded people and to develop the country rapidly. This can avoid and minimize negligence often occur.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Agriculture and Industrialisation

The topic of agriculture and its role in industrial and urban development has long been studied by economic theoreticians. According to Nam, Dang and Hainsworth (2000), there are three important theoretical schools that have been particularly influential after World War II, and which differ considerably in the ways by which each presents the relationship between agriculture and industry, in regards to the process of industrialisation.These are: â€Å"the role of agriculture in industrialisation†, â€Å"‘big leap’ into industrialisation and urbanisation†, and â€Å"harmonious links in the development process† (Nam, Dang, and Hainsworth, 2000, 1965, John Mellor and Bruce Johnston reported that a successful agricultural sector is an important element in the industrial development and rapid growth rate of a nation’s economy. According to Johnston and Mellor, the five key roles of agriculture are: ·Ã¢â‚¬Å"to supply cheap foodstuffs and raw materials for the urban/industrial sector†; ·Ã¢â‚¬Å"to export farm products to earn foreign exchange which could be used to finance technological and material imports for urban and industrial development†; ·Ã¢â‚¬Å"to release labour to provide the work force for the industrial sector†; ·Ã¢â‚¬Å"to expand the domestic market for industrial products†; and ·Ã¢â‚¬Å"to increase domestic savings to be used to finance industrial expansion† (Nam, Dang, and Hainsworth, 2000, in 1965, Simon Kuznets verified the role of agriculture in industrialisation by way of commercial transactions.According to Kuznets, the agricultural sector supplies other sectors within and outside the country with products such as â€Å"foodstuffs, industrial raw materials, labour, capital, and markets† that are necessary for industrialisation (Nam, Dang, and Hainsworth, 2000, despite the fact that these authors emphasised the importance of agriculture, their hypotheses also highlighted the need for a restructuring of the national economy, decreasing the share of the agricultural sector in the GDP (gross domestic product) and in the work force, and boosting the industrial sectors.Developmental strategies were usually geared towards the maximum utilisation of agricultural resources to augment industrialisation and urban expansion. In the matter of utilising agriculture to support industrialisation, the existing theories were unable to provide insight into how this can be made possible.La Grande Encyclopedie Francaise stated in 1986 that â€Å"The industrial revolution is accompanied by a general urbanisation and the gradual death of rural civilisation† (Nam, Dang, and Hainsworth, 2000, 1992, Hainworth observed that the conventional economic theories of the West, as established from the development of the UK and other European nations as well as the rapid industrialisation of North America, often places the agricultural sector in the position of â€Å"Cinderella† or slave to the indulgent â€Å"ugly stepsister† demands of industrialisation.In W.W. Rostow’s The Stages of Economic Growth, the author affirms that Western countries have achieved such advanced stages of development that their experience should be emulated by other countries.According to Rostow, the growth of an agricultural sector in an industrialising setting should be carried out concurrently based on four approaches: â€Å"economic, spatial, sociopolitical, and cultural – industrialisation, urbanisation, internationalization, and Westernisation†   (Nam, Dang, and Hainsworth, 2000, akin to this viewpoint are the opinions of several Western theorists in A Future for European Agriculture. Their theories tended to downplay the role of agriculture in industrialisation. According to them, the agricultural sector in Europe is primarily geared only towards the production of food.Thus, on the road to industrialisation, the only way to preserve economic growth is to considerably trim down the agricultural work force. As a rule, an impartial cutback on the agricultural work force and an augmenting of the industrial and urban-services labour force are expected trends in countries undergoing the process of industrialisation.Nevertheless, it is also important to remember the aforementioned key roles of agriculture. Another vital aspect not to be forgotten is that a country cannot simply make a â€Å"big leap† from being primarily agricultural into instantly becoming industrialised.There are stages between the two that simply cannot be bypassed, as evidenced by the experiences of developing countries in Latin America, Asia, and Afric a. Owing to lack of consideration for the agricultural sectors, there have been instances where the negative ramifications of rapid industrialisation have been felt in some countries.In certain African, Asian, and Latin American nations, the consequences of making a â€Å"leap† towards industrialisation have included widespread shortages in foodstuffs, sudden migrations into urban centres that have led to poverty and overpopulation, and abrupt scarcities in the necessary products for industrialisation.British economist E.F. Schumacher, in his 1973 publication Small is Beautiful, stated that for true economic development to be attained, â€Å"an entirely new system of thought is needed, a system based on attention to people, and not primarily attention to goods† (Nam, Dang, and Hainsworth, 2000, postulated that sufficient attention on the agricultural sector must be paid, especially in developing countries where th e majority of the economy is dependent on agriculture and where the bulk of the work force is in the agricultural profession.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Tuning a guitar essays

Tuning a guitar essays Musicians are known to be people of a musical knowledge. Whether it may be playing guitar, drums, or piano, we all know that in order for the instrument to sound good it must be tuned to its right notes. The guitar would be the perfect instrument when it comes to a constant repetition of tuning. In order to be a great musician, there are certain steps that must be taken. If some steps are not followed, the outcome of the sound most likely will not match what you are looking for. A better way for musicians or beginners to follow up on is to make sure that the instrument is clean, strings are in good condition, and tuning device is present to help assist in your process. To avoid damage to your guitar the first thing to keep in mind is its maintenance. Electric guitars are usually easier to keep clean, but for acoustic guitars, different supplies are needed because of its material. Acoustic guitars are made of wood. Depending on the kind of wood, your sound may vary with others. The first step to cleaning your guitar is to buy the cleaning solution. Water and a piece of clothe are usually used by most people but you will always find smudge marks and scratches on the surface. A scratch less cleaning cloth and solution is the basic thing you need. Wipe the front of the guitar first, followed bye the back, and ending with the neck. Since the solution is different from water you will need to rest the guitar for at least an hour before you begin to play. Well condition strings would be the second most important thing for a musician. Depending on a Spanish guitar or a steel string guitar, there is a big difference of the two. With a Spanish guitar, if you were to closely examine them you can see that out of the six they are bigger and have a plastic feel to them. On the other hand, a steel string guitar requires a little more inspection. Steel strings, if not properly taken care of can rust, stretch, or even snap apart. The most popul...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

French Gestures ~ Understanding Using French Gestures

French Gestures ~ Understanding Using French Gestures If youve ever been to France or watched French movies, youve undoubtedly seen French people performing some familiar gestures as well as a few unfamiliar ones. While some gestures are vulgar, others are as innocuous as shaking or nodding ones head. In any case, it is as essential to understand this French sign language as it is any vocabulary. These pages include photos, explanations, and register ratings for 45 gestures. Top 10 French Gestures Among the dozens of gestures and facial expressions in these lessons, there are ten that really stand out. French Gestures by Register  (what is register?) Note that some gestures have different names and are thus listed more than once. Normal Informal Familiar Use with anyone Use only with people you tutoie Use only with close friends A peu prs Alors, l Ae, ae Baiser la main Au poil Barrons-nous Cest fini Bises Bisque ! Chut Bof Camembert Jai du nez Bouche cousue a pue On a sommeil Cest nul Cest pas donn Parfait Comme-ci, comme-a Clapet Pardon Dlicieux Coup dans le nez Rptez Faire la bise / le bisou Du fric Se serrer la main Faire la moue Ferme-la ! Silence Gallic shrug Il est cingl Tlphone Je le jure Je men fous Se tourner les pouces Jen ai ras le bol Mon il ! Un, deux, trois Sen jeter un derrire la cravate On se tire Magnifique Pied de nez Motus et bouche cousue Que dalle ! La moue Quelle barbe ! Nul Verre dans le nez On boit Passer sous le nez Poil dans la main Quest-ce quil chante, l ? Vulgar - Offensive Ras-le-bol Use with extreme care Rien Le bras dhonneur Shrug Cocu Sous le nez Va te faire foutre Victoire Zro

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ethics and Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5

Ethics and Governance - Essay Example According to Kant, it is morally wrong to lie. He argued, in general, business lies and it makes it difficult to obtain a balance credit if everyone lies. Kant also argued that ethics is irrelevant in the business because most business lies and behave immorally (ibid). In order to be ethical business, one must believe that shareholders and customer have dignity. They are valuable human beings and worth more than the stock or the price of the goods (ibid). Kant’s recipe for business management is (1) to treat people respectfully and consider they have dignity. Commercial transaction is not prohibited but one has to treat the others as an end not merely as a means. Acting deceptive in commercial transaction indicates dishonesty and lack of ethics, even without rational and moral capacities. This requires businesses not to coerce or deceive their shareholders or customers. Asymmetric information is common in business. Too often, managers or individuals with more information tend to consider themselves powerful and yet, are abusive to others. Kant suggested that (2) to reduce power abuse in business management, it is necessary there is open book management or transparency relationship between employers and employees. Said Bowie, when employees have full information, they have the incentive to behave responsibly. Case (1995) agreed with Kant concerning open book management. He said, open book management gives the opportunity to employees to take â€Å"a chance and act to take responsibility, rather than just doing their job†¦ gets people on the job doing things right†¦ teaches them to make smart decisions†¦ because they can see the impact of their decisions on the relevant numbers† (p. 45-46). The practice of open management would correct asymmetrical information the managers have (Bowie, 1999). Since managers have more information, they tend to abuse

Friday, November 1, 2019

Revenue Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Revenue Management - Essay Example Ans: For different industries to flourish in terms of profitability it is necessary for them to allocate their resources properly. The airlines and restaurant industry tend to keep a check over the prices and capacity offered by them. However there is a difference between how both these industries manage their price allocation and the management of capacity. In terms of airlines customers have to pay for the number of seats that they take. In other words they pay for the capacity they take. For e.g. if a customer has booked 2 seats he will pay for both the seats. This is also the case with the hotels as the customers pay for the number of rooms that they book i.e. the capacity they take. However in terms of the restaurant industry capacity is not charged for. Although in different circumstances the customer are forced to pay for the capacity. This is very unusual in the restaurant industry. But for a restaurant to increase its profitability it is necessary that they maintain a regula r booking schedule. This schedule should be properly maintained and should help the customers in booking the seats in a restaurant. This can prove to be very beneficial for the customers and the restaurant as customers would be satisfied with the service they are getting by the restaurant. And on the other hand this booking schedule would help the restaurant to improve its image in front of the customers. But it can also be said that the capacity management is interlinked in these three industries. Each of the industry is conscious about providing customers with maximum satisfaction regarding the issue of capacity. All these industries maintain a booking schedule for this purpose. The customers in these industries require seats according to their own convenience. For e.g. customers require seats in a particular plane on a particular time and same is the case with the customers who visit a restaurant as they book seats according to their own convenience. On the other hand it is also necessary for these industries to keep a control over their management of prices. It can be said that the industry of airlines and restaurant have similarities regarding the management of prices. This is because both the industries aim to maximize their profits and therefore manage their prices accordingly. The seats offered by the airlines are charged according to the level of comfort in them. Many different airlines have varying prices for their seats due to the difference in the comfort level. Prices also differ because of the service timings that the airlines provide. For e.g. some airlines charge higher as their service time is lesser than those of other airlines. Similarly the restaurants charge for the quality of the food they offer. They maintain a balance of price for different commodities they offer. For e.g. the price of some specialties offered by the restaurants are charged higher than the other commodities. At the same time the price differ s in different restaurants also because of the services that they provide. Thus it can be concluded that for both these industries to prosper it is necessary that they keep a strong command over the management of capacity and prices.Question 2: In what way does menu engineering equate to